Saturday, August 9, 2008


You can run command to generate a uuid randomly:

sudo uuidgen

you can also run a perl script to get a randomly generated uuid:

#UUID generator

$uuid = `uuidgen`;
chomp $uuid;
print $uuid;

If you want to get UUID customized according to your need::

You will need file to get the below code running and you can get that by this command

sudo cpan Data::UUID

use Data::UUID;

$ug = new Data::UUID;
$uuid1 = $ug->create();
$uuid2 = $ug->create_from_name(, );

$res = $ug->compare($uuid1, $uuid2);

$str = $ug->to_string( $uuid );

This modules provides several methods to create a UUID:

# creates binary (16 byte long binary value) UUID.

# creates binary (16-byte long binary value) UUID based on particular
# namespace and name string.
$ug->create_from_name(, );
$ug->create_from_name_bin(, );

# creates UUID string, using conventional UUID string format,
# such as: 4162F712-1DD2-11B2-B17E-C09EFE1DC403
$ug->create_from_name_str(, );

# creates UUID string as a hex string,
# such as: 0x4162F7121DD211B2B17EC09EFE1DC403
$ug->create_from_name_hex(, );

# creates UUID string as a Base64-encoded string
$ug->create_from_name_b64(, );

Binary UUIDs can be converted to printable strings using following methods:

# convert to conventional string representation

# convert to hex string

# convert to Base64-encoded string

Conversly, string UUIDs can be converted back to binary form:

# recreate binary UUID from string

# recreate binary UUID from Base64-encoded string

Finally, two binary UUIDs can be compared using the following method:

# returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether uuid1 less
# than, equals to, or greater than uuid2


use Data::UUID qw(:all);

# this creates a new UUID in string form, based on the standard namespace
# UUID NameSpace_URL and name ""

$ug = new Data::UUID;

print $ug->create_from_name_str(NameSpace_URL, "");

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